Music therapy programs in Australia

1998 – 2005

Dr. Chandrakant Sardeshmmukh's

Music Therapy Programs in Australia

Each year a season of rapture and delight are experienced as the marvels of Dr. Chandrakant Sardeshmukh's music therapy programs take place.

People in Australia have been increasing their knowledge of music therapy by being involved in his varied programs over the past seven years. The response has been remarkable and many, from young children to the aged, are requesting more and more of the healing and calming effects of Dr. Sardeshmukh's music. He has not only entertained, but intrigued many with his knowledge. Children with multiple disabilities have expressed their delight and happiness after his playing. Even deaf and blind children have not missed out as he gently tilted the sitar close to their bodies so the vibrations could be felt. School children have felt a release from their stresses and their discussions after the sessions are always enlightening and lively.

Research programs are being conducted with practitioners in the medical field.

There is ample evidence to date that the music played on the sitar by Dr. Sardeshmukh has a soothing and beneficial effect, while in some cases it is enough, simply through the experience of listening to the pure joy of the notes, for people to feel happiness.


